Video Analysis

At the Nancy Quarcelino School of Golf, we utilize the V1 Pro Digital Coaching System. With more than 10,000 coaches and 3 million athletes, V1 Sports has become the preferred video analysis solution for the most respected coaches, instructors, athletes, and training facilities around the world.


V1’s system of interactive remote golf lessons are powered by easy-to-use tools for video swing capture and sharing as well as dynamic functions that allow us to create detailed video lessons with voice-over instruction and visual feedback through telestration. From home or on the course, you can film and send your swings to us and receive lessons and drills using the popular V1 Golf mobile app.


After we review your video analysis, we will create your personal online locker which includes a video library of your swings. You will be able to go back and review your analysis at your convenience on any computer or smart phone anywhere anytime.

Send Us Your Video For Analysis


Regardless of where you live, you can still experience online Internet Golf Lessons at the Nancy Quarcelino School of Golf.


Internet lessons are $75 and can be set-up using only the V-1 software application on any computer or smart phone. You can download the free software from the V-1 website (  or visit your smart phone application store and download the V1 Golf App.


Please only send us 2 short clips of any skill (less than 10 seconds each);  one from down-the-line view and one from the front/face-on view. Once you have submitted your video, please call or text us at 615-778-8823 so that we can accept your video into our system for analysis and take payment over the phone. Our turnaround time typically runs 1-2 business days.


Click here for a simple tutorial on how to send your swing to us for analysis.

View Your Lessons


You will receive an email after your first video analysis with a link to download the V1 Golf App to view your lessons.


Download V1 Golf App

Create Account with same email as you have given Nancy or Rita

Select the prompt buttons initially, but then select the “X” in the top corner to exit out of the “V1 Golf+ – Start my 7 day free trial screen”

View lesson in My Lessons section on Home Page

Step by Step Directions to Send Your Video for Analysis


iPhone V1 Golf App

1. Login or create a new account.
2. Select Nancy Quarcelino School of Golf and then choose one of our instructors on the list.
3. Click the Camera button to film a video, trim video as necessary.
4. From the analysis window, click the V1 Logo, then “Send Video” then “Upload to Locker”
5. Once upload completes, it is automatically assigned to the instructor selected in step 2.
6. Video will be listed on the Locker/Uploaded tab in the app.
7. Once analyzed by your instructor, it will be moved to the Locker/Analyzed list where you may select it for viewing.


Android V1 Golf App

1. Log In.
2. Capture/Import your video.
3. Analyze Video (this needs to be done first in order to get the video into a format V1 Pro understands).
4. Click MENU, then Upload/Assign.
5. In the Choose an Academy list, select Nancy Quarcelino School of Golf.
6. Select one of our instructors.
7. Wait for the Upload to finish.

Nancy Quarcelino School of Golf